Curriculum Vitae
Stephanie Moore, PsyD, FACPN
Board Certified in Neuropsychology
Fellow of the American College of Professional Neuropsychology
Clinical Associate Professor Department of Neurology, UC Irvine, 2003-2013
4425 Jamboree Road
Newport Beach, CA 92660
(714) 731-6231
Diplomate of the American Board of Professional Neuropsychology
Fellow of the American College of Professional Neuropsychology
November 2001 -
Pepperdine University
Malibu, CA 90265
Psy.D. Psychology May 1992 -
Pepperdine University
MA Psychology, 1988 -
University of California, Los Angeles
405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1361
Lifetime Teaching Credential, 1970
Training at University Elementary School (UCLA) -
University of California, Los Angeles
BA Political Science, June, 1969
- Member at Large, American Board of Professional Neuropsychology (2010-2014)
- Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Neurology, University of California, Irvine (2003 through 2013).
- Grant Reviewer: Alzheimer's Association Medical Scientific Affairs (2004 to 2015)
- Lecturing to UCI neurology residents on neuropsychology 2007 to 2013
- Teaching first year UCI medical students: Patient-Doctor 1 course 1997-8 and 2003-07
Journal Reviewer: Neuropsychology Review (2003 to 2007)
Journal Reviewer: Neuropsychological Rehabilitation (2003 to 2007)
Journal Reviewer: Applied Neuropsychology: Child (2009 to present)
Journal Reviewer: Parkinson's Disease (2013 to present) -
San Clemente Hospital and Medical Center June 2003 to July 2004
654 Camino de los Mares, San Clemente, CA, 92673
July 2003 to 2005 -
UC Irvine Medical Group
Neuropsychological Assessment
Neurosurgery and Internal Medicine
May 1999 to 2006 -
Hoag Memorial Presbyterian Hospital (September 2001 to present)
One Hoag Drive, PO Box 6100 Newport Beach, CA 92658-6100 -
Coastal Communities Hospital
Golden Years Gero-Psych Unit
Staff, 1998 to 2008
Senior Assessment Center 2001 to present
2701 South Bristol, Santa Ana, CA 92704 -
Charter Hospital Staff, 1998-99
23228 Madero, Mission Viejo, CA 92691 -
Fountain Valley Medical Center Staff, 1998-99
17100 Euclid St Fountain Valley, CA 92708 -
Saddleback Memorial Medical Center
Geriatric Center 1997-99
Allied Health Staff Neuropsychological Assessment
April 1997-March 2003
24451 Health Center Drive Laguna Hills, CA 92653 -
Newport Bay Hospital
Medical Staff, 1996 to 2000, 2004 to 2005. -
UCI Academic Geriatric Resource Center,
Program in Geriatric Medicine
(Health Assessment Program for Seniors - HAPS Clinic)
Neuropsychology, June 1994-September 1998 -
Memory & Neuropsychological Center, Inc.
170 Newport Center Drive, Suite 118
Newport Beach, CA 92660
Assessment: CFIDS, Head Injury, Dementia, Toxic Exposure.
C-MIND computerized information processing system, WMS-R, WAIS-R, Trails, BNT, WCST, 09-1991-06 1995 -
UCI Child Development Center
Psychological Tester: ADHD Children 1994
19722 MacArthur Boulevard Mail Code: 4480 Irvine, CA 92612 -
UCI Institute for Brain Aging and Dementia
Alzheimers Clinic: Memory Retraining 1992-1998
1113 Gillespie Neuroscience Research Facility, UCI,
Irvine, CA 92697-4540 -
UCI Weight Management Clinic
Group Therapist (1991-1993, 1988-1989) -
Mar Vista Elementary School
Third Grade Teacher 1971-1972
Los Angeles Unified School District
3330 Granville Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90066
Post-Doctoral Training:
UCI Center for Neuroscience and Schizophrenia Post-doctoral Research:
Neuropsychological Assessment (WAIS-R, WMS-R, CERAD, BNT, Trails A&B, Mesulam, MMSE, FAS, Verbal Fluency, WCST, Stroop, Map, etc.).
Supervisor: Curt Sandman, Ph.D. 1991-1993 -
UCI Institute for Brain Aging Research:
Memory retraining with Alzheimers patients.
Supervisors: Carl Cotman, Ph.D.
Curt Sandman, Ph.D. 1991-1996
State Developmental Research Institutes
Fairview Developmental Center 1991-1993
Research Assistant: Foster Grandparent Program, Costa Mesa, CA
2501 Harbor Blvd Costa Mesa, CA 92626
El Toro Marine Base
Family Services Center, Tustin, CA
Supervisor: Maurice Riseling, Ph.D.
Individual and group therapy with families, 1989-1990 -
CPC Santa Ana Psychiatric Hospital
Cognitive Therapy of Depression Program
Cognitive-behavioral therapy with individuals and groups
Supervisors: Christine Padesky, Ph.D., Mark King, Ph.D., Dennis Greenberger, Ph.D., 1990-1991
- California State Assembly Certificate of Recognition for "Dedication and Outstanding Service to the Alzheimers Association." (2002)
- Psi Chi National Honorary Society (1989)
- Delta Phi Upsilon National Honorary Fraternity Award For Early Childhood Education (1970)
- 2016 Patients’ Choice Award; one of the best therapists in Santa Ana
Abstracts &
- Riley, J.D; Moore, S; Cramer, S.C.; Lin, J.D. Impaired frontostriatal network is linked to executive dysfunction in temporal lobe epilepsy. Epilepsy & Behavior in press 2011.
- EpiCenter Symposium April 2010 Poster: Caudate shape and volume abnormalities are linked to executive functioning in epilepsy Jeffrey D. Riley, Stephanie Moore, Steven C. Cramer, Jack J. Lin.
- Moore, Stephanie. Neuropsychology of Epilepsy in the 21st Century. The California Psychologist, Journal of the California Psychological Association. March/April 2008, 10-13.
- Grant, A.C., Beheshti, S., Tehrani, P., Saidi,,R.F Aguilar, O, Martin, V., and Moore, S. Abstract accepted to the American Academy of Epilepsy for December, 2005 in part by NIH K23 NS46347. Culturally congruent adaptation of an English-language Wada protocol into Spanish and Farsi. Epilepsia 2005;46 (Suppl 8):64.
- King, W.R. The Christian Detective. Editor Moore, S. October 2005.
- Moore, S. Effort testing can have a greater effect on neuropsychological testing outcome scores than severe brain injury. Brain Impairment vol.5, no.1) 2004
- Moore, S. BDNF and exercise: the fountain of youth? The Newsletter of the Alzheimers Association of Orange County, Vol. 20, No. 3, fall 2002
- Moore, S., McCrea, I. Dementia with Lewy bodies. The Newsletter of the Alzheimers Association of Orange County, Vol. 20, No. 3, fall 2002
- Moore, S. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS). The Newsletter of the Alzheimers Association of Orange County, Vol. 21, No. 4, winter 2003
- Moore, S. The impact of culture on neuropsychological test performance. The Newsletter of the Alzheimers Association of Orange County, summer 2002. Vol. 20, No. 3
- Moore, S. Driving is just around the cognitive corner part II. The Newsletter of the Alzheimers Association of Orange County, Vol. 20, No. 3, spring 2002.
- Moore, S. Driving is just around the cognitive corner part I. The Newsletter of the Alzheimers Association of Orange County, Vol. 19, No. 2, (p. 11 & 14) winter 2001.
- Moore, S., Sandman, C.A., McGrady, K., Kesslak, J.P. Memory retraining improves cognitive ability in patients with dementia. Cognitive Rehabilitation in Dementia. Psychology Press, 2001, 245-261.
- Moore, S., Sandman, C.A., McGrady, K., Kesslak, J.P. Memory retraining improves cognitive ability in patients with dementia. Journal of Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, Vol. 11, Issues 3-4, July-September 2001
- Moore, S. Improvement in diagnosis of Dementia of the Alzheimers Type. The Newsletter of the Alzheimers Association of Orange County, fall, 1999, No.3.
- Moore, S. Reduction in agitation and behavioral problems in dementia. The Newsletter of the Alzheimers Association of Orange County, summer, 1999, No. 2.
- Moore, S., Kesslak, J., Sandman, C. Memory retraining of patients with dementia, Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 14, 1, Jan. 1999, 58
- Moore, S., Sandman, C.A., Kesslak, J.P., Dick, M., Cotman, C.W. Memory retraining of patients with dementia, UCI Annual Research Symposium on Aging, 1995, p.2
- Mulnard, R.A., Moore, S., Sandman, C.A., Cotman, C.W. Responsiveness of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis to glucose challenge in Alzheimers disease. Proceedings of the Society for Neuroscience, 1993, p.1172.
- Sandman, C.A., Moore, S., Barron, J.L., Goldstein, J.A. CFIDS and depression. International CFIDS/ME Clinical Conference Abstracts, 1992, p.10.
Research Studies
- 1. Predictors of Differential Vulnerability to Anxiety & Depression in Epilepsy: A Diffusion Tensor Imaging Study. (Developing the study’s neuropsychological protocol and training neurology resident, Jeff Riley, MD in neuropsychological testing).
- 2. Effect of Temporal Lobe Resection on Encoding and Retrieval Processes in Human Memory Investigated with fMRI (1.5T), Arthur C. Grant, PhD., Stephanie Moore, PsyD, Melina Uncapher
- 3. Effect of Temporal Lobectomy on Sensory Deficits in TLE NINDS 1K23 NS-46347 $688,560. (2004-6)
- 4. Veterans Affairs Grant on Neocortical Epilepsies - Do They Progress? NEADS Grant (Retrospective study to look for cognitive teratogenesis, the development of abnormal cell masses during fetal growth).
- American Neuropsychiatric Association (2002 to present)
- National Academy of Neuropsychology (1994-2014)
California Lifetime Teaching Credential, 1971
Licensed California Psychologist (PSY14222) 2/95
- Institute for Memory Impairments and Neurological Disorders (iMIND) Advisory Board 2009 to 2014
- UC Irvine Ethics committee from August 2008 to 2011.
- UC Irvine Medical School Patient-Doctor Course November 2003 to 2007
- Journal Reviewing for Neuropsychology Review (quarterly, peer-reviewed journal from Plenum/Kluwer)
- Journal Reviewing: Applied Neuropsychology: Child 2009-present
- Grant Reviews for the National Alzheimers Association 2004 to present
- LivHome Advisory Board 2002 to 2012
Senior Care Resources Leadership Council 2002 to 2010 - Northrise University Ndola, Zambia Board of Directors (2000-2002)
- Paragon Gardens Assisted Living Community, the Meadows Advisory Board (2000 to 2002)
- Orange Caregiver Resource Center Advisory Board of Directors (1999-03)
Alzheimers Association of Orange County
Medical and Scientific Advisory Board (1997 to 2005)
Education Committee (1994 to 2002) -
Adult Day Services of Orange County
Board of Directors (1994-2000) -
Pepperdine-University-Psy.D-Program Class Agent (1992 to present)
Colleagues Board (1997 to present)
Speaking Engagements:
- Orange County Bar Association Elder Law and Special Needs Section: Legal and Practical Perspectives in Neuropsychological Assessment/Evaluation to Determine Capacity July 6, 2020
- Orange County Bar Association Protective Proceedings Section, panel presentation August 15, 2019
- California Association of Superior Court Investigators (CASCI). Elder Abuse: Involves Vulnerability, Capacity & Undue Influence 05/02/19
- Elder Law Orange County Bar Association: “Capacity: Changing the Estate Plan in Light of a Doctor's Note” 4/3/17
- American Association of University Women 3/5/16 "Dementia."
- Parkinson's Wellness Symposium Orange Coast Memorial Hospital "Caregiver Stress & Coping" - October 24, 2015
- Parkinson's Support Group Orange Coast Memorial Hospital "The Art of Aging" October 16, 2014
- Parkinson's Wellness Symposium Orange Coast Memorial Hospital "Parkinsonism" September 27, 2014
- Linking Neuropsychological, Behavioral & Imaging Data for the Jury: Creating the Necessary Understanding of the Picture of the Brain & Emotional Injury. Traumatic Brain Injury & Emotional Injury Summit December 4-6 2011 Denver, Colorado.
- UCI Neurology Grand Rounds "Neuropsychological Testing from 1000 BC to 2011" March 16, 2011
- Orange County Bar Association Elder Law Section Panel Discussion, "Seeking Dementia Powers: Issues and Preparation." October 19, 2010.
- PFAC 15th Annual Conference May 6, 2010, Capacity in the Elderly, San Diego, CA
- PEPNET: Pepperdine University May 11 and 12, 2010 Assessment Competency of the Older Adult, Pacific Club, Newport Beach and Regency Club, Westwood, CA.
Institute for Memory Impairments and Neurological Disorders (iMIND)
Ask the Doc Panel on Preventing, Diagnosing, and
Treating Dementia
June 16, 2009 - Professional Fiduciary Association of California (PFAC) May 7, 2009 Capacity in the Elder Adult and also Neuropsychology
- Lecture to Internal Medicine Residents on Capacity March 5, 2009
Fifth International Neurological Forum (INFO) in Vietnam 12/13/08.
- Professional Fiduciary Association of California, Orange County Chapter 8/08
- Council on Aging- Orange County FAST (Financial Abuse Specialist Team) April 8, 2008 Capacity in the Elder Adult
- Hoag Hospital Stroke Support Group: Dementia Types. March 27, 2008
- Hoag Hospital Neuroscience Speaker: All you wanted to know about testing in 60 minutes. November 2007
- Department of Neurology Grand Rounds: All you wanted to know about testing in 60 minutes. June 27, 2007.
- Orange County Epilepsy Symposium: Epilepsy through the Life Cycle UC Irvine Beckman Center November 5, 2005. Understanding Depression and Anxiety with Epilepsy.
- Northrise University, Ndola, Zambia October 19-20, 2005. Leadership Personalities.
- Hoag Hospital Epilepsy Conference & Epilepsy Monitoring Unit Orientation 8-24-04. Neuropsychological Testing.
- An interactive poster on Symptom Validity Tests submitted to the Symposium on Neuropsychological Rehabilitation to be held at Uluru, Australia on 12-13 July, 2004
- Warsaw and Katowice Poland July 2003 on Memory Retraining with Dementia Patients.
- Conferences, Lectures, Courses, and Community Talks: the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (2003), churches, community centers, Rotary Clubs, Coastal Communities Hospital, numerous talks, The Alzheimers Association Conferences (1993 & 2002), USAA in Sacramento, and Law offices for Continuing Legal Education.
Agencies and Programs on Aging: What is Dementia? (2002)
Saddleback Memorial Medical Center multiple talks on memory, aging & dementia - UCI Medical Students: All You Ever Wanted to Know About Testing but Were Afraid to Ask (1997)
UCI Medical Students Patient-Doctor Course: Adult Developmental
Aging (1996)
UCI 11th Annual Symposium on Aging: Memory Retraining (1996)
UCI Medical Students (2-week course: Interviewing Techniques 1996-7)
UCI Neurobehavioral Study Group: Neuropsychology of CFIDS (1994) -
Saddleback Memorial Medical Center 3-week course on Memory
(1996, 1997 twice, and March, 1998)
Healthy Aging & Memory at Leisure World (300 people in 1996) -
CFIDS Awareness & Support Services Conference: Current Therapy
Options & Looking to the Future through Research (1994)
Temecula CFIDS Support Group Conference: Neuropsychology of Memory and Chronic Fatigue (1997). -
El Toro Marine Base Family Services Center Neuropsychology of
CFIDS (1995), National Assistance League of Irvine: Alzheimers
disease (1994)
University of New Orleans: Memory Retraining (1994)
- Neurology
- The Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences
- Neuropsychology Review
- Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology
- Neuropsychology
- Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology

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